Welcome to the bargain bin! This is a place to celebrate movies that are not destined for the hall of fame, but which deserve to be championed all the same. This is for that late night monster movie you saw as a kid and never forgot. Some low-budget creature feature that left an impression. Not just B-movies, and not always cult favorites, but quirky, crazy, wonderful movies that either surprise you or (sometimes even better) delivered exactly what you’d hoped for.
This is not a place for “so bad it’s good” movies, although many of the films we’ll cover in this section are often seen in those terms. Many if not most of these movies are rough around the edges, most are low-budget productions made by filmmakers engaged in an uphill battle to put something coherent and memorable on the screen. These movies are gems.
That’s why I’ve decided to name this section the bargain bin. This is absolutely for those movies you caught on late night cable, or had a cover you simply couldn’t resist in the video store, and the entertainment value surpassed expectations, especially for movies you otherwise might never have found. So, yes, these aren’t Hall of Fame movies, but they are absolutely a bargain!
There are so many fun movies that fall into this category, so enjoy and as always, there’s so much more to come!
The Bargain Bin: